Learn How Buying a Cycling Magazine Transformed My Business by Automatically Generating More Sales and Revenue

If you're struggling to find hidden profits in your business, I'm going to reveal how I increased my revenue 15% from just one small change.

This strategy works incredibly well for any small business whether you sell physical items, digital products, or even consulting services.

Not only that, I will share with you 5 more strategies that, will increase immediate sales, long term sales, increase your customer list... And once setup, it's like your business is on autopilot.

Chris Austin

Marketing Specialist

One of the most action-orientated people I know

I’ve worked closely with Mike Saif since 2011. He’s one of the most action-oriented people I’ve ever met. He doesn’t just come up with profitable ideas - he acts on them quickly and thoroughly until they are consistently generating revenue. He’s exactly the kind of person you want on your team to make sure you end up with profits (not just promises).

My name’s Mike Saif.

I thought I was doing a good job with my business selling soccer coaching books and DVDs on my website. Until I discovered…

I’d been leaving hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table for years.

It all happened when I bought a subscription for a cycling magazine. Because that day I spent a LOT more than I’d planned.

Because after placing my order I was offered a special discount on a book on cycling training.

So being a keen cyclist, I snapped it up.

Then they offered me ANOTHER special discount. This time on a book on cycling maintenance.

So I bought that too.

Soon my $19.95 magazine subscription had doubled in size to $44.85.

I was stunned.

Yet what amazed me even more was how seamless the process had been.

It hadn’t felt pushy or annoying at all.

Yet, my education in upselling to customers didn’t end there.

Every week I’d get emails from them with cycling articles and offers - ALL targeted at my interests.

I’d get special offers on cycling clothing, gadgets, books, DVDs, and all sorts of cycling gear I wanted.

In fact…

“The offers were so appealing it felt like the cycling magazine as reading my mind”

And it didn’t take long before my original $19.95 for the subscription had swelled to $105 total.

A total spend increase of over 500%!

This realization lit a light bulb in my head.

I already had a vast inventory of books and videos AND a vast email list of previous customers.

If I could upsell more books and videos to both new and existing customers I could generate huge extra profits.

I did some quick math. And realized I’d been missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits.

But no more!

I immediately got to work to implement an automated system for upselling more products to more customers.

But rather than hire a consultant, I decided to roll up my sleeves and work out how to do it myself.

I read through tons of blogs, case studies, books and watched every YouTube video I could find on the topic.

I then spent weeks experimenting with different systems, adjusting the settings, and making a lot of mistakes that had me tearing my hair out.

But after tons of trial and error, testing, and refinement, I finally achieved my goal.

And I gave it a fun little name...

The Sales Automation Machine

Or SAM for short.

SAM does everything the cycling magazine’s system does… and more.

It’s able to:

  • Ask customers questions about their interests
  • Send emails with content personalized to match every customer’s interests and buying history
  • Track, log, and segment every interaction customers have with my emails and website
  • Recommend products based on a customer’s interests and order history
  • Maximize the average order value of first time customers
  • Maximize the lifetime value of existing customers

“Thanks to SAM, my business no longer has to rely on finding new customers and making them a one time offer”

And I no longer have to spend a fortune on advertising and marketing to keep filling my pipeline.

Automating my upselling process has also increased my profits without me having to put in any extra hours. A dream come true!

I’m now able to spend more time with my family, play golf, or go cycling and know SAM is generating more money without me lifting a finger.

How much more money?

Well, I’m not one of those flashy types that poses with an expensive motor to show off their success. But what I will tell you is that my revenue at checkout has consistently risen every single year.

And all from a simple formula:

“Track Your Customer's Interests > Offer Them Things They Want > Automate It > Explode Your Profits”

It's that simple.

Would YOU like to implement SAM in your business? And see your average order value increase?

If so, I’ve got great news for you...

Because I’ve broken down the whole process for you into...

3 x FREE videos on how SAM works

In the videos I show you:

  • How to give new customers product recommendations based on their current order
  • The different types of upsells we offer to give people options without overwhelming them
  • How to choose upsells to maximize conversions and minimize cart abandonment
  • The software I use that does literally everything a small business needs to automate
  • How we automate our follow up emails to maximize the lifetime value of every customer
  • How we increase the size of our customer email list without spending a dime on advertising or social media marketing
  • How we get life out of old products and slow sellers and turn them into some of your top sellers

As you can see, in these videos I’m sharing a ton of valuable information that could be transformative to your business.

Just imagine what an impact increasing customer lifetime value could mean for your business…

It could be truly life transforming!

So if you’d like to implement SAM in your business and start generating bigger profits from your customers, press the button below.

Then just enter your email address to get instant access:

What others are saying

Jorge Diaz

Membership Marketing Specialist

He knows how to maximize sales with automation

I've been working with Mike and WORLD CLASS COACHING for years and have seen him move a lot of soccer training material. He's made the most of what automation can do to maximize sales in a really tough niche market.

Randy Auf Der Heide

Small Business Owner

I can't recommend him enough

I've been doing business with Mike for over 20 years.  He was quick to grasp marketing automation and provides valuable input to fuel growth and improve results.  I can't recommend him enough.

Chris Austin

Marketing Specialist

One of the most action-orientated people I know

I’ve worked closely with Mike Saif since 2011. He’s one of the most action-oriented people I’ve ever met. He doesn’t just come up with profitable ideas - he acts on them quickly and thoroughly until they are consistently generating revenue. He’s exactly the kind of person you want on your team to make sure you end up with profits (not just promises).

Join Me

If you’ve been struggling to increase the profits in your business, I know where you’re coming from.

It took me many years to get my soccer coaching resources business up and running. And there were many sleepless nights along the way. I understand just how tough business can be.

So when I discovered how much money NOT automating my business and running it the OLD way was costing me, it nearly gave me a heart attack.  But the good news is that this sprung me into action to figure out how to automate my business. I call these strategies, the Sales Automation Machine or SAM for short.

Since implementing SAM, my business generates more immediate sales, more long term sales and my email list grows every single day. Profits are up and life is good.

My mission is now to share my system with other small businesses so they can transform their revenue and life like I have. Because with SAM, you can sell more of your products to more of your customers on autopilot.

If you’re a small business owner, check out my free videos to find out how it works and if it can work for you.
